About Us

Vidyananda Singh Competology

Vidyananda Singh

    We, the Competology Academy, are a team of experienced professionals in the domain ofUnion Public Service Commission tutoring to provide a logical and well tested strategy to prepare andbecome successful in the exam. Our focus is on a holistic approach to providing 360-degree teachingand mentoring to bring objectivity in the preparation for the examination.

    The syllabus of the exam is scattered and massive but the time to prepare for the exam islimited. The objectivity in the preparation can make the process more enlightening and effective.Continuous guidance with current affairs, regular revision of static content and working on writingskills can make the process efficient and objective. Our focus is on exam-related offline and onlineguidance, curated tests on the pattern of the exam, and Multiple-Choice Questions practice. Thepreparation needed for the Preliminary and Main examinationsrequires the following strategy to clearthe exam:

    Our team consists of multiple individuals having experience in teaching and mentoring UPSC aspirants. We also have the support of the members of the academic community to get information about contemporary development in various fields. 

    We have also made most of our initiatives free to help a large number of students, who are economically, socially and geographically disadvantaged. The inclusion of people from these sections of our society can make the civil service more citizen-friendly and effective to deal with social problems. We do it as our duty to the nation-building initiatives. To make it possible, we are using the biggest tool of change in human civilization i.e. technology. We are using digital technology to bring an intervention in the UPSC preparation classes. Our presence in most of the technological spaces like Telegram, YouTube, Facebook, and Blogs has the potential to bring students from different regions divided by geography and connected by aspiration.

    Our online and offline platforms are focused on creating a community space for civil services aspirants to bring like-minded people together and get help during the preparation. The Competology Academy has included all the tools to make the platform student-centric.

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